There are several treatment options that can improve the appearance of a bulbous nose. One common treatment is a surgical rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job.” More recently a “non-surgical nose job” has become available by using injectable fillers like Juvederm to change the look of your nose.
What Causes a Bulbous Nose?
If the tip of your nose is enlarged or bulbous, it might be the result of genetics or underlying skin conditions that can cause thick skin. Some people, especially people of South Asian or African descent, may have a low or narrow nasal bridge causing the tip of the nose to look bulbous. Oil glands can become enlarged, causing a bulbous look.
People who have overly developed cartilage at the tip of their nose and those who have convex nasal cartilage in the area may have an unwanted bulbous appearance. Rhinophyma, a type of rosacea, can develop if rosacea goes untreated and dilated blood vessels trigger chronic swelling. This disorder is most common in males between 50-60 years of age and those with a family history of rosacea. The best thing you can do to prevent a bulbous nose is to treat rosacea and other skin conditions that can cause thick skin.